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10.5.18 "Look behind you," the Holy Spirit said. I did and saw a little clock that had stopped. It had the word, focus, on it. It reminded me of a dream one of daughters had in which the father wanted a photo taken with his son. It is time to focus. Let's take a closer look at our heavenly father and His realationship with His son. In March 2011 I dreamt I went into a very ornately decorated church. They were having one of their regular special services for people who had bodies like fat eggs without legs. They were disabled like big babies needing helpers because they didn’t have legs or feet. I asked why they were like that. Had something happened in their past to make so many grow without legs? A father appeared and I felt myself shrink from the fierceness of his look and I thought these people had shrunk down from fear. I began helping and praying for them. I took some into my home. They were very greedy for food and I was warned that they would grab whatever they saw. No wonder they were so fat. One day as I was holding both hands of one of them in my own hands it began to beam and I saw that it had feet. Their legs could grow! If they really wanted them to grow, they would! So I told them all that their feet could grow if they wanted them too. Not long after that they were all walking like adults and I could no longer see any of the legless in the church. In September 2015 I saw a leg-less and arm-less man and women sculpture by the beach. It reminded me of the dream I'd had. These ones weren't hungry or fat like those in my dream. They just gazed at each other. They need hand feeding. They will grow as they gaze at Jesus and eat. Some like me in the mirror above look at themselves in the mirror too much. We all need to guard our hearts against pride or self-criticism. Let's all keep our eyes on Jesus and not oursleves or others. The blood of Jesus makes us acceptable to the Father. We may have the same gift as others, but our ministry doesn't need to look like anyone elses. Some of the problems the church has when she spends too much time looking at others or self instead of Jesus: discouragement, jelousy, criticism, adultery, rigidity, legalism and/or pride. The story about this Kookaburra photo is in the Testimonies section. Peleh Yo'etz - Wonderful, Counselor. God Speaks In Many Ways God speaks in many ways. Sometimes He uses our curiosity to catch our attention and lead us to hear what He is saying - like the burning bush that Moses turned aside to investigate. In 2008 I was working out my finances for when I would leave teaching and thought I would have enough to pay for accommodation, for however long the Lord wanted me there. I was wondering about the extra I would need for the food. At church that Sunday my mind had wandered while the bible was being read, when part of a verse caught my attention and brought me back. "... you will be fed with the treasures of the nations ..." I thought, I must look that verse up at home. Later I was looking up Isaiah 61:7 and re-reading
the words the Holy Spirit had put into my mind many years past, when I
saw the words about the ancient ruins being rebuilt. Ancient ruins had
been in the back of my mind for some time. In 2006 I had created an art
work with ancient ruins in it. The following week someone mentioned archaeological sites in Israel and
I thought, Yes I would like to see them. While out walking I saw a group of magpies and they looked back at me. I photographed them. I wondered if the wild magpies I'd been feeding recognized me when I went for walks .... had the birds recognized Elijah too or had God sent birds that had never seen him before? A few days later - Friday 6th June 2008, I listened to "The Door of Hope" message given by Karen Dunham and it was about Elijah being fed by the birds and a poor widow. I thanked God. I had heard what He was saying again and knew that He would provide food for my journey. God did provide miraculously. In 2011 I ended up at Bethsaida on an archaeological dig and a Russian atheist, a widow, gave me money to go on to Russia. To read more details try my autobiography. "I want to travel with you."