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Christian Musicby Jennifer PhillipsHow Great (mp3) How Great is the Lord You O Lord Are The Wisest One God Makes A Home For The Lonely Prepare For battle Where Can I Go Love And Love Again There's a Fountain of Love Christ In Us Walk on the Water Love And Love Again Good Morning Jesus Wants to help us There is Work to do Jesus Jesus Jesus Other songs by Jennifer Phillips can be seen in some of her books |
My songs can be viewed or listened to by clicking the link on the left. If you would like a printable copy, email me. You may have them free of charge to help you worship God. Worship can be spontaneous or structured. We can sing a spontaneous new song or one that's written and practiced. Both were part of the worship that took place in the Tabernacle. The worship of Zion was "conducted by priests who were skilled singers and instrumentalists. They performed according to certain prescribed musical patterns, some of which may be reflected in the superscriptions of the Psalms. At the same time there was room for spontaneity. Some interpreters believe that the 'new song' (Psalms 33:3, 96:1, 149:1), and the selah often mentioned in the Psalms, refer to outbreaks of improvised praise." www.laudemont.org/a-dwmfr.htm Perhaps 'selah' means to throw off the yoke, lift up your heart and exalt the Lord. Hang on the last note, musicians, so everyone can exalt the Lord without the melody constraints [BDB, 699]. I love singing spontaneously, worshiping God from the heart without being limited by having to try and find the words or being constrained by a particular melody. I have lead this kind of singing in some churches. Prophecy: The piano has slipped from its place facing the light of the Lord. The Lord's desire is to see it back in its place in the church. This article about prophetic music by Kerry Wright is well worth reading (PDF). |