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Gospel of John


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Gospel of John: Study One

1. Who wrote this book? Look at the introduction to the book. Read and share one thing about the author.

2. Read John 1:1-34

3. What does the Gospel writer John, say about John the Baptist regarding his purpose on earth?
John 1:6-8

4. What is a witness?

4. What does John the Baptist do/say that shows that he is fulfilling this purpose of being a witness?
John 1:29-34

5. What does Jesus say about John the Baptists witness?
John 5:31-36

6. What does John say about his purpose?
John 1:31

7. What does the writer say about his purpose for writing this gospel?
John 20:30, John 2:30, John 21:24,

8. Who else will be witnesses?
John 5:37, John 15:26-27,

9. Do you think that the reason you are here on earth is to be a witness? Why? What have you witnessed? How can we “bear witness”?

10. How did you come to believe that Jesus is the Son of God?


Gospel of John: Study Two

Read John 1:1

The Word = Logos

The logos was a well used word and concept in the time of the early church.

To the Greeks it was the principal of order under which the universe continued to exist. It was the mind of God controlling the world and every person. All things were contrlled by the Logos. The logos was the oldest thing in the world. It was the thought of God stamped on the world and all things. Reference: The Gospel Of John by William Barclay. Pages 1-14

The Jews used the word Logos also. When they wished to translate the name of God to avoid attributing human thoughts and feelings to God, they used “The Logos”. Eg. “God is a consuming fire” was translated “The Word of God is a consuming fire.”

Logos was also viewed as reason and wisdom. The word of God and God himself were impersonal.

1. What do these verses say about the Word of God?
Genesis 27 Genisis1:3, 6, 11 Psalm 33:6 Psalm 107:20 Psalm 147:15 Isaiah 55:11 Jeremiah 23:29 Wisdom 9:1

2. What did the gospel writer say about the Logos?
3. What was the gospel writer saying to the Greeks about the Logos?
4. What was the gospel writer saying to the Jews about the Logos?
5. Do you know of any other bible verses that speak about the “Word of God”?
6. What can we say about Jesus according to John the Gospel writer?


Gospel of John: Study Three


Read: John 1:4

Life and Light are two important themes that John uses.

Life is mentioned at the beginning of the Bible. Genesis 2:7, 9
Notice the similarities between the beginning of the Old Testament and John’s gospel. What effect would this have on those who knew the Old Testament well?

John’s Gospel begins talking about life and towards the end we read that the purpose of the written gospel involves life also. John 20:30.
What is that purpose?

Life is a word that Jesus uses often. John 10:10, 28

John 3:36, 5:24, 5:40, 6:48, 8:12, 11:12,

Why do Jesus and John use the word so often?

In John 4:16 Jesus claims that He is the Life.

John 8:12, John 5:24, John 6:40
What does it mean to have life? Does having life mean eternal life?
What is eternal life? Is it life that goes on forever? Does everyone want to live forever? If so why commit suicide?

The Greek word for eternal is Aionios (perpetual). This word is used to describe God and King David .
Ezekiel 37:25, Genesis 21:35, Isaiah 9:6

Eternal life is that life which God lives. It is the life of God. This is the life God offers people.

How do we get this life? John 3:36, 6:47

Those who believe have the life of God. For the Jews in John’s time, they were looking forward to the Kingdom of God coming. John was saying those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God have God now, perpetually, always.


Gospel of John: Study Six


John 1:9-11
The true light (word of God, reason of God, Logos) enlightens every person.

Visible things have been created in such a way to lead people’s thoughts to the invisble things. They have God’s stamp upon them.
Romans 1:19-20

The Greeks believed that where there is order (such as in the natural world) there must be a mind behind it.

The action of God was there to be seen but people had not recognised God.

When Jesus came to His own “house” He was not recognised or welcomed. The word house can be translated as “things”, “Domain” “possesions”.
Zechariah 2:12 Hosea 9:3 Jeremiah 2:7, 16:18 Leveticus 25:23 Psalm 135:4 Deut. 7:6, 14:2, 26:18, 32:9

Who did not receive Jesus?

Some did receive Him.

Who does John say recognised Jesus?

Who might the “we” be that John refers to?
John 1:33-34

Who else recognised Jesus in this chapter?
How did they recognise Him? John 1:36-37

How many times is the concept of “seeing” used in this chapter? Include the word “witness”
What other words are used?
List them all.
John 1:39, 1:47 1:50

Do you think John used these words with a purpose in mind?
How significant do you think this is?

On whose will does it depend for a person to become a child of God? How does a person become a child of God according this chapter? Can anyone become a child of God?