Kingdom Characteristics
by Jennifer Phillips
July 2008
I had been commissioned at least six months earlier to create an art work for a friend. He wanted it as a present for his wife. Her 50th birthday was also around the time of their wedding anniversary.
I completed the art work with enough time for it to be printed and framed, but the printer had problems. He suggested that someone else print it. I hadn't allowed for printing problems in my calculations and now time was running out. I was flying to New Zealand for a two week holiday and wasn’t sure when in July the birthday was. So I took the file to another printer.
The following morning I went in to collect the print, but it wasn’t ready. After work I debated whether to make a special trip to go and pick it up and take it to the framers or to leave it until the following day when I could drop it off on the way to work.
A joyful thought come into my mind. If I picked it up and took it in right then, it might just be ready by Saturday. So, I decided to make the effort and pay the extra traveling cost (about $20 worth of petrol) to get it to the framer, even though his brother had said he had a funeral to go to and would not be able to get it done until the Monday. I was flying to New Zealand on Monday! “Oh well,” I thought, “I might just have enough time to collect it on Monday before flying out.”
The print was ready when I went in and so I took it to the Framers. They told me again that they couldn't get it done before Monday. I was disappointed but couldn't do anything about it, and yet in the back of my mind was the hope that they still might get it done earlier.
My friend and client came round and told me his wife's birthday was on the Saturday. He was very understanding and began preparing the message he would give to his wife about her birthday not being over as there was something special still to come. He wanted the present to be a surprise. He offered to pay me in advance for the art, which was perfect. It meant I could bank the cheque before going to New Zealand. I had ear marked the money for the trip and it arrived in time.
On the evening of Friday the fourth of July 2008, I got a phone call from the picture framers. They'd made a special effort to get it done for me, knowing how important I said it was. The measure I had given was the measure I received. I made a special effort and they did too. If I hadn't, it would not have been ready in time. I was blessed and so was my client.
I thought about how perfect God’s timing is and in retrospect, recognized the prompting of the Holy Spirit in the hope He had placed in my mind.
Isaiah 30:21 came into my mind.
"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk you in it ..." At the time I wondered if it was behind us because we recognized it retrospectively.