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Eve - ezer - helper
Ephesians 5
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2016 Ezer like front of him - Helper

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper like [the] front of him" (Genesis 2:18).

The rib

The most common word for "rib" in the Old Testament is al-ah. In Daniel 7:5 the word translated as rib is al-ah, so why wasn’t it used in the Genesis account of the creation of the female? Instead the Hebrew word tzela  (feminine form) has been used. Most examples of  tzela can be found referencing some aspect of the temple and the arc, the whole side of the tabernacle: the supporting beams, walls, sides of the innermost chamber, the holy of Holies. It sounds like the word that we have translated as rib should really be side, or side chamber.

The side

The word for side is tzad. It is used here: “And ten thousand will fall at your side” (Psalm 91:7).

An inner chamber?

Because the normal Hebrew word for rib wasn't used in the Hebrew account of creating the female, nor the normal word for side, perhaps she was formed from some part of Adam that was more than physical. It doesn’t seem to be just a rib, so could it have been an inner chamber of the Adam? In other parts of the Bible the word tzela is used when talking about places with spiritual connotations, like part of the tabernacle of God, a sacred part, the inner chamber, the Holy of Holies.
About 2000 years ago Jewish, Philo Judeaus wrote that the rib was a "symbol of the part, a half of the whole, each party, the man and the woman, being as sections of nature co-equal for the production of that genus which is called man." (The Works Of Philo, p. 796,Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, Massachusetts,)

Even if you think "rib" is the translation, it is a part that surounded and protected the Adam's vital organs.

The helpmate

Who was the helper God created for Adam? She certainly wasn't just a spare rib that the Adam could do without. None of the creatures the Adam had dominion over were suitable. He needed someone like himself who wasn't under his dominion. He was alone without community, even though he had a relationship with his creator.

Does her function as, helper like the front of him, tells us what God had in mind?

ezer helper woman Eve

The Hebrew word "ezer" often translated as " helper" or "helpmate" is the masculine form of the word and is used in a number of places to speak of God (The Lord my helper Psalm 54:4). It's made from the letters for an eye, sword/plough and head.
She had an eye to see. Was she a visionary, with prophetic insight? The women who served as doorkeepers in the tabernacle gave their mirrors, so the priests washing in the laver could see their dirt and cleanliness (Exodus 38:8).
She had a sword or plough. Did she wage war with a sword? Was she a gardener ploughing, cutting or pruning, preparing the ground for the seed?
And what about the head? The word "head" meant beginning, first, chief, start, shake or rattle, poverty. A woman was first to see the serpent in the garden of Eden. She was sometimes first in the Tabernacle. A woman was one who stood in front, as a guard. No-one could go in unless she, as doorkeeper let them. Women were not only doorkeepers at the entrance to the Tabernacle (Exodus 38:8 & 1 Samuel 2:22), but also to the High priests courtyard in New Testament times (John 18:15-17). Woman also served in other ways in the Temple (Luke 2:36-37).
A woman was first after the fall to recognise she was created in God's image and name God accordingly. "She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen  the One who sees me” (Genesis 16:13).  She had a face to face encounter with God and brought the understanding of El Roi, the God who sees to human awareness.
Was she a shaker and rattler with her words, sounding the alarm when she saw the enemy?
She was the first to see Jesus risen from dead. She was first to be sent by Jesus to speak to His disciples.

Moreover, he made the laver of bronze with its base of bronze, from the mirrors of the women ministers/army, who waged war/ministered/served at the doorway of the tent of meeting (Ex. 38:8).


Now God had named "them", the male and female, "Adam". After they sinned, Adam no longer viewed the woman's function as helper like the front of him. He renamed her, ignoring God's part in creating him. He named her like he named the animals he had dominion over. Did he exclude himself from all living? He blamed her for what had happened to him. Was he thinking she had given him the life he now had, or was he thinking he was now dead. She had caused a separation, a wall between that which had been joined (tent peg meaning is sometimes "joined") and no longer was an eye. Did he replaced her prophetic eye with and accusing 'see!' Behold the separated tent peg or behold the one who separated that which was joined? Was he the tent peg and she the tent?

Notice the pictogram for eat/consume/destroy is part of the pictogram above it for separation wall, and the tent peg is part of the whole person. Both names contain separation walls. Adam no longer sees the woman as a supporting wall, but a separating wall. Her sees her character as being more like the serpent.


Eve serpent like

Yet God still clothed them both with priestly garments. The word that is used in Genesis 3:21 is a word that is used for the priest’s tunic, and for virgin daughters of the king. Both were priests, and the shame of their sin covered, so they could continue to relate to God.

to be continued ...

References in brackets come from the Bible. Some are Jennifer Kathleen Phillips' translations from the Hebrew or Greek.
Moen, S. (2016). Guardian Angel. Lexington.
Diringer, David, and Litt. D. The Alphabet; a Key to the History of Mankind. New York,: Fleet Street Press, 1948.